Luanti 5.11.0-dev
No Matches
Client Class Reference

#include <client.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Client:
+ Collaboration diagram for Client:

Public Member Functions

 Client (const char *playername, const std::string &password, MapDrawControl &control, IWritableTextureSource *tsrc, IWritableShaderSource *shsrc, IWritableItemDefManager *itemdef, NodeDefManager *nodedef, ISoundManager *sound, MtEventManager *event, RenderingEngine *rendering_engine, ELoginRegister allow_login_or_register)
 ~Client ()
void scanModSubfolder (const std::string &mod_name, const std::string &mod_path, std::string mod_subpath)
void scanModIntoMemory (const std::string &mod_name, const std::string &mod_path)
void Stop ()
bool isShutdown ()
void connect (const Address &address, const std::string &address_name, bool is_local_server)
void step (float dtime)
void handleCommand (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Null (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Deprecated (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Hello (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_AuthAccept (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_AcceptSudoMode (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_DenySudoMode (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_AccessDenied (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_RemoveNode (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_AddNode (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_NodemetaChanged (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_BlockData (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Inventory (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_TimeOfDay (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_ChatMessage (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_ActiveObjectRemoveAdd (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_ActiveObjectMessages (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Movement (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Fov (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HP (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Breath (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_MovePlayer (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_MovePlayerRel (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_DeathScreenLegacy (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_AnnounceMedia (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Media (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_NodeDef (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_ItemDef (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_PlaySound (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_StopSound (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_FadeSound (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_Privileges (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_InventoryFormSpec (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_DetachedInventory (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_ShowFormSpec (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_SpawnParticle (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_AddParticleSpawner (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_DeleteParticleSpawner (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudAdd (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudRemove (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudChange (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudSetFlags (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudSetParam (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudSetSky (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudSetSun (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudSetMoon (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_HudSetStars (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_CloudParams (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_OverrideDayNightRatio (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_LocalPlayerAnimations (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_EyeOffset (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_UpdatePlayerList (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_ModChannelMsg (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_ModChannelSignal (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_SrpBytesSandB (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_FormspecPrepend (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_CSMRestrictionFlags (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_PlayerSpeed (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_MediaPush (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_MinimapModes (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void handleCommand_SetLighting (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void ProcessData (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void Send (NetworkPacket *pkt)
void interact (InteractAction action, const PointedThing &pointed)
void sendNodemetaFields (v3s16 p, const std::string &formname, const StringMap &fields)
void sendInventoryFields (const std::string &formname, const StringMap &fields)
void sendInventoryAction (InventoryAction *a)
void sendChatMessage (const std::wstring &message)
void clearOutChatQueue ()
void sendChangePassword (const std::string &oldpassword, const std::string &newpassword)
void sendDamage (u16 damage)
void sendRespawnLegacy ()
void sendReady ()
void sendHaveMedia (const std::vector< u32 > &tokens)
void sendUpdateClientInfo (const ClientDynamicInfo &info)
ClientEnvironmentgetEnv ()
ITextureSourcetsrc ()
ISoundManagersound ()
const std::vector< ModSpec > & getMods () const override
const ModSpecgetModSpec (const std::string &modname) const override
void removeNode (v3s16 p)
MapNode CSMGetNode (v3s16 p, bool *is_valid_position)
 Helper function for Client Side Modding CSM restrictions are applied there, this should not be used for core engine.
int CSMClampRadius (v3s16 pos, int radius)
v3s16 CSMClampPos (v3s16 pos)
void addNode (v3s16 p, MapNode n, bool remove_metadata=true)
void setPlayerControl (PlayerControl &control)
bool updateWieldedItem ()
InventorygetInventory (const InventoryLocation &loc) override
void inventoryAction (InventoryAction *a) override
void setPlayerItem (u16 item)
const std::set< std::string > & getConnectedPlayerNames ()
float getAnimationTime ()
int getCrackLevel ()
v3s16 getCrackPos ()
void setCrack (int level, v3s16 pos)
u16 getHP ()
bool checkPrivilege (const std::string &priv) const
const std::unordered_set< std::string > & getPrivilegeList () const
bool getChatMessage (std::wstring &message)
void typeChatMessage (const std::wstring &message)
u64 getMapSeed ()
void addUpdateMeshTask (v3s16 blockpos, bool ack_to_server=false, bool urgent=false)
void addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge (v3s16 blockpos, bool ack_to_server=false, bool urgent=false)
void addUpdateMeshTaskForNode (v3s16 nodepos, bool ack_to_server=false, bool urgent=false)
void updateCameraOffset (v3s16 camera_offset)
bool hasClientEvents () const
ClientEventgetClientEvent ()
bool accessDenied () const
bool reconnectRequested () const
void setFatalError (const std::string &reason)
void setFatalError (const LuaError &e)
const std::string & accessDeniedReason () const
bool itemdefReceived () const
bool nodedefReceived () const
bool mediaReceived () const
bool activeObjectsReceived () const
u16 getProtoVersion () const
float mediaReceiveProgress ()
void drawLoadScreen (const std::wstring &text, float dtime, int percent)
void afterContentReceived ()
void showUpdateProgressTexture (void *args, u32 progress, u32 max_progress)
float getRTT ()
float getCurRate ()
bool hasServerReplied () const
MinimapgetMinimap ()
void setCamera (Camera *camera)
CameragetCamera ()
scene::ISceneManager * getSceneManager ()
IItemDefManagergetItemDefManager () override
const NodeDefManagergetNodeDefManager () override
ICraftDefManagergetCraftDefManager () override
ITextureSourcegetTextureSource ()
virtual IWritableShaderSourcegetShaderSource ()
u16 allocateUnknownNodeId (const std::string &name) override
virtual ISoundManagergetSoundManager ()
MtEventManagergetEventManager ()
virtual ParticleManagergetParticleManager ()
bool checkLocalPrivilege (const std::string &priv)
virtual scene::IAnimatedMesh * getMesh (const std::string &filename, bool cache=false)
const std::string * getModFile (std::string filename)
ModStorageDatabasegetModStorageDatabase () override
void migrateModStorage ()
bool loadMedia (const std::string &data, const std::string &filename, bool from_media_push=false)
void request_media (const std::vector< std::string > &file_requests)
LocalClientState getState ()
void makeScreenshot ()
void pushToChatQueue (ChatMessage *cec)
ClientScriptinggetScript ()
bool modsLoaded () const
void pushToEventQueue (ClientEvent *event)
const Address getServerAddress ()
const std::string & getAddressName () const
u64 getCSMRestrictionFlags () const
bool checkCSMRestrictionFlag (CSMRestrictionFlags flag) const
bool joinModChannel (const std::string &channel) override
bool leaveModChannel (const std::string &channel) override
bool sendModChannelMessage (const std::string &channel, const std::string &message) override
ModChannelgetModChannel (const std::string &channel) override
const std::string & getFormspecPrepend () const
MeshGrid getMeshGrid ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from con::PeerHandler
 PeerHandler ()=default
virtual ~PeerHandler ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from InventoryManager
 InventoryManager ()=default
virtual ~InventoryManager ()=default
virtual void setInventoryModified (const InventoryLocation &loc)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IGameDef
virtual IRollbackManagergetRollbackManager ()
virtual ModIPCStoregetModIPCStore ()
IItemDefManageridef ()
const NodeDefManagerndef ()
ICraftDefManagercdef ()
IRollbackManagerrollback ()
virtual const SubgameSpecgetGameSpec () const
virtual std::string getWorldPath () const
virtual std::string getModDataPath () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const std::string & getBuiltinLuaPath ()
static const std::string & getClientModsLuaPath ()

Public Attributes

bool m_simple_singleplayer_mode
bool inhibit_inventory_revert = false

Private Member Functions

void loadMods ()
void peerAdded (con::IPeer *peer) override
void deletingPeer (con::IPeer *peer, bool timeout) override
void initLocalMapSaving (const Address &address, const std::string &hostname, bool is_local_server)
void ReceiveAll ()
void sendPlayerPos ()
void deleteAuthData ()
void sendInit (const std::string &playerName)
void startAuth (AuthMechanism chosen_auth_mechanism)
void sendDeletedBlocks (std::vector< v3s16 > &blocks)
void sendGotBlocks (const std::vector< v3s16 > &blocks)
void sendRemovedSounds (const std::vector< s32 > &soundList)
bool canSendChatMessage () const

Static Private Member Functions

static AuthMechanism choseAuthMech (const u32 mechs)

Private Attributes

float m_packetcounter_timer = 0.0f
float m_connection_reinit_timer = 0.1f
float m_avg_rtt_timer = 0.0f
float m_playerpos_send_timer = 0.0f
IntervalLimiter m_map_timer_and_unload_interval
std::unique_ptr< MeshUpdateManagerm_mesh_update_manager
ClientEnvironment m_env
std::unique_ptr< ParticleManagerm_particle_manager
std::unique_ptr< con::IConnectionm_con
std::string m_address_name
ELoginRegister m_allow_login_or_register = ELoginRegister::Any
Cameram_camera = nullptr
Minimapm_minimap = nullptr
u8 m_server_ser_ver
u16 m_proto_ver = 0
bool m_update_wielded_item = false
Inventorym_inventory_from_server = nullptr
float m_inventory_from_server_age = 0.0f
PacketCounter m_packetcounter
float m_animation_time = 0.0f
int m_crack_level = -1
v3s16 m_crack_pos
std::queue< std::wstring > m_out_chat_queue
u32 m_last_chat_message_sent
float m_chat_message_allowance = 5.0f
std::queue< ChatMessage * > m_chat_queue
u32 m_sudo_auth_methods
u64 m_map_seed = 0
std::string m_playername
std::string m_password
std::string m_new_password
AuthMechanism m_chosen_auth_mech
void * m_auth_data = nullptr
bool m_access_denied = false
bool m_access_denied_reconnect = false
std::string m_access_denied_reason = ""
std::queue< ClientEvent * > m_client_event_queue
bool m_itemdef_received = false
bool m_nodedef_received = false
bool m_activeobjects_received = false
bool m_mods_loaded = false
std::vector< std::string > m_remote_media_servers
std::vector< std::pair< u32, std::shared_ptr< SingleMediaDownloader > > > m_pending_media_downloads
bool m_time_of_day_set = false
float m_last_time_of_day_f = -1.0f
float m_time_of_day_update_timer = 0.0f
float m_recommended_send_interval = 0.1f
float m_removed_sounds_check_timer = 0.0f
std::unordered_map< s32, sound_handle_tm_sounds_server_to_client
std::unordered_map< sound_handle_t, s32 > m_sounds_client_to_server
std::unordered_map< sound_handle_t, u16 > m_sounds_to_objects
std::unordered_set< std::string > m_privileges
std::unordered_map< std::string, Inventory * > m_detached_inventories
StringMap m_mesh_data
LocalClientState m_state
MapDatabasem_localdb = nullptr
IntervalLimiter m_localdb_save_interval
u16 m_cache_save_interval
ClientScriptingm_script = nullptr
ModStorageDatabasem_mod_storage_database = nullptr
float m_mod_storage_save_timer = 10.0f
std::vector< ModSpecm_mods
StringMap m_mod_vfs
bool m_shutdown = false
u64 m_csm_restriction_flags = CSMRestrictionFlags::CSM_RF_NONE
u32 m_csm_restriction_noderange = 8
std::unique_ptr< ModChannelMgrm_modchannel_mgr
MeshGrid m_mesh_grid

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Client()

Client::Client ( const char * playername,
const std::string & password,
MapDrawControl & control,
IWritableTextureSource * tsrc,
IWritableShaderSource * shsrc,
IWritableItemDefManager * itemdef,
NodeDefManager * nodedef,
ISoundManager * sound,
MtEventManager * event,
RenderingEngine * rendering_engine,
ELoginRegister allow_login_or_register )

References Database::beginSave(), DIR_DELIM, g_settings, Settings::getBool(), Settings::getU16(), m_cache_save_interval, m_env, m_mesh_grid, m_minimap, m_mod_storage_database, porting::path_user, and ClientEnvironment::setLocalPlayer().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~Client()

Member Function Documentation

◆ accessDenied()

bool Client::accessDenied ( ) const

References m_access_denied.

◆ accessDeniedReason()

const std::string & Client::accessDeniedReason ( ) const

◆ activeObjectsReceived()

bool Client::activeObjectsReceived ( ) const

◆ addNode()

void Client::addNode ( v3s16 p,
MapNode n,
bool remove_metadata = true )

References Map::addNodeAndUpdate(), addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge(), ClientEnvironment::getMap(), m_env, and p().

Referenced by handleCommand_AddNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addUpdateMeshTask()

void Client::addUpdateMeshTask ( v3s16 blockpos,
bool ack_to_server = false,
bool urgent = false )

References Map::getBlockNoCreateNoEx(), ClientEnvironment::getMap(), m_env, m_mesh_update_manager, p(), and MeshUpdateManager::updateBlock().

Referenced by addUpdateMeshTaskForNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addUpdateMeshTaskForNode()

void Client::addUpdateMeshTaskForNode ( v3s16 nodepos,
bool ack_to_server = false,
bool urgent = false )

References addUpdateMeshTask(), ClientEnvironment::getMap(), getNodeBlockPos(), infostream, m_env, m_mesh_update_manager, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, p(), and MeshUpdateManager::updateBlock().

Referenced by setCrack().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge()

void Client::addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge ( v3s16 blockpos,
bool ack_to_server = false,
bool urgent = false )

References ClientEnvironment::getMap(), m_env, m_mesh_update_manager, and MeshUpdateManager::updateBlock().

Referenced by addNode(), handleCommand_BlockData(), and removeNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ afterContentReceived()

◆ allocateUnknownNodeId()

u16 Client::allocateUnknownNodeId ( const std::string & name)

Implements IGameDef.

References CONTENT_IGNORE, errorstream, and FATAL_ERROR.

◆ canSendChatMessage()

bool Client::canSendChatMessage ( ) const

References CLIENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_LIMIT_PER_10S, m_chat_message_allowance, and m_last_chat_message_sent.

Referenced by sendChatMessage(), and step().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkCSMRestrictionFlag()

bool Client::checkCSMRestrictionFlag ( CSMRestrictionFlags flag) const

◆ checkLocalPrivilege()

bool Client::checkLocalPrivilege ( const std::string & priv)

References checkPrivilege().

Referenced by LocalPlayer::applyControl(), LocalPlayer::move(), LocalPlayer::old_move(), ClientEnvironment::step(), GenericCAO::step(), and Camera::update().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkPrivilege()

bool Client::checkPrivilege ( const std::string & priv) const

References m_privileges.

Referenced by checkLocalPrivilege(), and GUIFormSpecMenu::OnEvent().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ choseAuthMech()

AuthMechanism Client::choseAuthMech ( const u32 mechs)


Referenced by handleCommand_Hello(), and sendChangePassword().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearOutChatQueue()

void Client::clearOutChatQueue ( )

References m_out_chat_queue.

◆ connect()

void Client::connect ( const Address & address,
const std::string & address_name,
bool is_local_server )

References con::IConnection::Connect(), CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, con::createMTP(), infostream, initLocalMapSaving(), Address::isIPv6(), LC_Created, m_access_denied, m_access_denied_reason, m_access_denied_reconnect, m_address_name, m_con, m_proto_ver, m_state, Address::print(), and sanity_check.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CSMClampPos()

v3s16 Client::CSMClampPos ( v3s16 pos)

References BS, checkCSMRestrictionFlag, CSM_RF_LOOKUP_NODES, floatToInt(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), LocalPlayer::getPosition(), m_csm_restriction_noderange, and m_env.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CSMClampRadius()

int Client::CSMClampRadius ( v3s16 pos,
int radius )

References BS, checkCSMRestrictionFlag, CSM_RF_LOOKUP_NODES, floatToInt(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), LocalPlayer::getPosition(), m_csm_restriction_noderange, and m_env.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CSMGetNode()

MapNode Client::CSMGetNode ( v3s16 p,
bool * is_valid_position )

Helper function for Client Side Modding CSM restrictions are applied there, this should not be used for core engine.


References BS, checkCSMRestrictionFlag, CSM_RF_LOOKUP_NODES, floatToInt(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), ClientEnvironment::getMap(), Map::getNode(), LocalPlayer::getPosition(), m_csm_restriction_noderange, m_env, and p().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deleteAuthData()

void Client::deleteAuthData ( )

References AUTH_MECHANISM_FIRST_SRP, AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD, AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE, AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP, m_auth_data, m_chosen_auth_mech, and srp_user_delete().

Referenced by ~Client(), handleCommand_AcceptSudoMode(), handleCommand_AuthAccept(), and handleCommand_DenySudoMode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deletingPeer()

void Client::deletingPeer ( con::IPeer * peer,
bool timeout )


Client::DISABLE_CLASS_COPY ( Client )

◆ drawLoadScreen()

void Client::drawLoadScreen ( const std::wstring & text,
float dtime,
int percent )

References RenderingEngine::draw_load_screen(), guienv, m_rendering_engine, m_tsrc, and RenderingEngine::run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getAddressName()

const std::string & Client::getAddressName ( ) const

References m_address_name.

Referenced by GameFormSpec::showPauseMenu().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getAnimationTime()

float Client::getAnimationTime ( )

References m_animation_time.

◆ getBuiltinLuaPath()

const std::string & Client::getBuiltinLuaPath ( )

References DIR_DELIM, and porting::path_share.

Referenced by loadMods().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCamera()

Camera * Client::getCamera ( )

References m_camera.

Referenced by GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter::onSetConstants(), GenericCAO::removeFromScene(), OffsetCameraStep::reset(), DrawHUD::run(), DrawWield::run(), MapPostFxStep::run(), OffsetCameraStep::run(), GenericCAO::setAttachment(), ClientMap::updateDrawList(), GenericCAO::updateMeshCulling(), and GenericCAO::updateNametag().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getChatMessage()

◆ getClientEvent()

ClientEvent * Client::getClientEvent ( )

◆ getClientModsLuaPath()

const std::string & Client::getClientModsLuaPath ( )

References DIR_DELIM, and porting::path_share.

Referenced by loadMods().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConnectedPlayerNames()

const std::set< std::string > & Client::getConnectedPlayerNames ( )

References ClientEnvironment::getPlayerNames(), and m_env.

Referenced by GUIChatConsole::OnEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCrackLevel()

int Client::getCrackLevel ( )

References m_crack_level.

Referenced by MeshUpdateQueue::addBlock().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCrackPos()

v3s16 Client::getCrackPos ( )

References m_crack_pos.

Referenced by MeshUpdateQueue::addBlock().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCraftDefManager()

ICraftDefManager * Client::getCraftDefManager ( )

Implements IGameDef.

◆ getCSMRestrictionFlags()

u64 Client::getCSMRestrictionFlags ( ) const

◆ getCurRate()

float Client::getCurRate ( )

References con::CUR_DL_RATE, con::CUR_INC_RATE, con::IConnection::getLocalStat(), and m_con.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getEnv()

ClientEnvironment & Client::getEnv ( )

References m_env.

Referenced by PlayerInventoryFormSource::getForm(), Camera::notifyFovChange(), GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter::onSetConstants(), ShadowRenderer::renderShadowMap(), MapPostFxStep::run(), GameFormSpec::showNodeFormspec(), GameFormSpec::showPlayerInventory(), Camera::update(), and GameFormSpec::update().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEventManager()

MtEventManager * Client::getEventManager ( )

References m_event.

Referenced by LocalPlayer::applyControl(), LocalPlayer::move(), LocalPlayer::old_move(), Camera::step(), and ClientEnvironment::step().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFormspecPrepend()

const std::string & Client::getFormspecPrepend ( ) const

References Player::formspec_prepend, ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), and m_env.

Referenced by GameFormSpec::showDeathFormspecLegacy(), GameFormSpec::showFormSpec(), GameFormSpec::showLocalFormSpec(), GameFormSpec::showNodeFormspec(), GameFormSpec::showPauseMenu(), and GameFormSpec::showPlayerInventory().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getHP()

u16 Client::getHP ( )

References ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), LocalPlayer::hp, and m_env.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getInventory()

Inventory * Client::getInventory ( const InventoryLocation & loc)

Reimplemented from InventoryManager.

References InventoryLocation::CURRENT_PLAYER, InventoryLocation::DETACHED, FATAL_ERROR, NodeMetadata::getInventory(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), ClientEnvironment::getMap(), Player::getName(), Map::getNodeMetadata(), Player::inventory, m_detached_inventories, m_env, InventoryLocation::name, InventoryLocation::NODEMETA, InventoryLocation::p, InventoryLocation::PLAYER, InventoryLocation::type, and InventoryLocation::UNDEFINED.

Referenced by GameFormSpec::showPlayerInventory().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getItemDefManager()

IItemDefManager * Client::getItemDefManager ( )

Implements IGameDef.

References m_itemdef.

◆ getMapSeed()

u64 Client::getMapSeed ( )

References m_map_seed.

◆ getMesh()

scene::IAnimatedMesh * Client::getMesh ( const std::string & filename,
bool cache = false )

References errorstream, FATAL_ERROR_IF, RenderingEngine::get_filesystem(), RenderingEngine::get_scene_manager(), m_mesh_data, m_rendering_engine, and RenderingEngine::removeMesh().

Referenced by GenericCAO::addToScene(), and GUIFormSpecMenu::parseModel().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMeshGrid()

MeshGrid Client::getMeshGrid ( )

References m_mesh_grid.

Referenced by MeshUpdateQueue::addBlock(), MeshUpdateQueue::fillDataFromMapBlocks(), and ClientMap::updateDrawList().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMinimap()

Minimap * Client::getMinimap ( )

References m_minimap.

Referenced by GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter::onSetConstants(), GenericCAO::removeFromScene(), and GenericCAO::updateMarker().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getModChannel()

ModChannel * Client::getModChannel ( const std::string & channel)

Implements IGameDef.

References ModChannelMgr::getModChannel(), and m_modchannel_mgr.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getModFile()

const std::string * Client::getModFile ( std::string filename)

References m_mod_vfs.

◆ getMods()

const std::vector< ModSpec > & Client::getMods ( ) const

Implements IGameDef.

◆ getModSpec()

const ModSpec * Client::getModSpec ( const std::string & modname) const

Implements IGameDef.

◆ getModStorageDatabase()

ModStorageDatabase * Client::getModStorageDatabase ( )

Implements IGameDef.

References m_mod_storage_database.

◆ getNodeDefManager()

const NodeDefManager * Client::getNodeDefManager ( )

Implements IGameDef.

References m_nodedef.

Referenced by Minimap::Minimap().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getParticleManager()

ParticleManager * Client::getParticleManager ( )

References m_particle_manager.

◆ getPrivilegeList()

const std::unordered_set< std::string > & Client::getPrivilegeList ( ) const

References m_privileges.

◆ getProtoVersion()

u16 Client::getProtoVersion ( ) const

References m_proto_ver.

Referenced by handleCommand_LocalPlayerAnimations(), and hasServerReplied().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRTT()

float Client::getRTT ( )

References con::AVG_RTT, con::IConnection::getPeerStat(), m_con, and PEER_ID_SERVER.

Referenced by step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSceneManager()

scene::ISceneManager * Client::getSceneManager ( )

References RenderingEngine::get_scene_manager(), and m_rendering_engine.

Referenced by ClientEnvironment::addActiveObject(), and GUIFormSpecMenu::parseModel().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getScript()

ClientScripting * Client::getScript ( )

References m_script.

Referenced by LocalFormspecHandler::gotText(), and GameFormSpec::showPlayerInventory().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getServerAddress()

const Address Client::getServerAddress ( )

References con::IConnection::GetPeerAddress(), m_con, and PEER_ID_SERVER.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getShaderSource()

IWritableShaderSource * Client::getShaderSource ( )

References m_shsrc.

Referenced by Minimap::Minimap(), GenericCAO::addToScene(), and PostProcessingStep::run().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSoundManager()

ISoundManager * Client::getSoundManager ( )

References m_sound.

Referenced by GameFormSpec::showDeathFormspecLegacy(), GameFormSpec::showFormSpec(), GameFormSpec::showLocalFormSpec(), GameFormSpec::showNodeFormspec(), GameFormSpec::showPauseMenu(), GameFormSpec::showPlayerInventory(), and sound().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getState()

LocalClientState Client::getState ( )

References m_state.

◆ getTextureSource()

ITextureSource * Client::getTextureSource ( )

References m_tsrc.

Referenced by Minimap::Minimap(), GameFormSpec::handleCallbacks(), and tsrc().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand()

void Client::handleCommand ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References NetworkPacket::getCommand(), ToClientCommandHandler::handler, and toClientCommandTable.

Referenced by ProcessData().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_AcceptSudoMode()

void Client::handleCommand_AcceptSudoMode ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References AUTH_MECHANISM_FIRST_SRP, AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE, deleteAuthData(), m_chosen_auth_mech, m_new_password, m_password, startAuth(), and verbosestream.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_AccessDenied()

void Client::handleCommand_AccessDenied ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

◆ handleCommand_ActiveObjectMessages()

void Client::handleCommand_ActiveObjectMessages ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References deSerializeString16(), errorstream, NetworkPacket::getSize(), NetworkPacket::getString(), m_env, ClientEnvironment::processActiveObjectMessage(), readU16(), and BaseException::what().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_ActiveObjectRemoveAdd()

void Client::handleCommand_ActiveObjectRemoveAdd ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientEnvironment::addActiveObject(), infostream, m_activeobjects_received, m_env, NetworkPacket::readLongString(), ClientEnvironment::removeActiveObject(), and BaseException::what().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_AddNode()

void Client::handleCommand_AddNode ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References addNode(), MapNode::deSerialize(), NetworkPacket::getSize(), NetworkPacket::getU8(), NetworkPacket::getU8Ptr(), m_server_ser_ver, p(), and MapNode::serializedLength().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_AddParticleSpawner()

void Client::handleCommand_AddParticleSpawner ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_ADD_PARTICLESPAWNER, ServerParticleTexture::deSerialize(), ParticleParamTypes::deSerializeParameterValue(), deSerializeString32(), NetworkPacket::getSize(), NetworkPacket::getString(), m_client_event_queue, m_proto_ver, p(), readF32(), readU16(), readU32(), and readU8().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_AnnounceMedia()

◆ handleCommand_AuthAccept()

void Client::handleCommand_AuthAccept ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References BS, deleteAuthData(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), infostream, LC_Init, m_env, m_map_seed, m_recommended_send_interval, m_state, m_sudo_auth_methods, Send(), LocalPlayer::setPosition(), and TOSERVER_INIT2.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_BlockData()

void Client::handleCommand_BlockData ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

◆ handleCommand_Breath()

void Client::handleCommand_Breath ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), m_env, and LocalPlayer::setBreath().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_ChatMessage()

void Client::handleCommand_ChatMessage ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CHATMESSAGE_TYPE_MAX, m_script, ChatMessage::message, modsLoaded(), ScriptApiClient::on_receiving_message(), pushToChatQueue(), ChatMessage::sender, ChatMessage::timestamp, ChatMessage::type, and wide_to_utf8().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_CloudParams()

void Client::handleCommand_CloudParams ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_CLOUD_PARAMS, NetworkPacket::getRemainingBytes(), and m_client_event_queue.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_CSMRestrictionFlags()

void Client::handleCommand_CSMRestrictionFlags ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References loadMods(), m_csm_restriction_flags, and m_csm_restriction_noderange.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_DeathScreenLegacy()

void Client::handleCommand_DeathScreenLegacy ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

◆ handleCommand_DeleteParticleSpawner()

void Client::handleCommand_DeleteParticleSpawner ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

◆ handleCommand_DenySudoMode()

void Client::handleCommand_DenySudoMode ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CHATMESSAGE_TYPE_SYSTEM, deleteAuthData(), and pushToChatQueue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_Deprecated()

void Client::handleCommand_Deprecated ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References NetworkPacket::getCommand(), NetworkPacket::getPeerId(), infostream, ToClientCommandHandler::name, and toClientCommandTable.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_DetachedInventory()

void Client::handleCommand_DetachedInventory ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References Inventory::deSerialize(), NetworkPacket::getRemainingBytes(), NetworkPacket::getRemainingString(), infostream, m_detached_inventories, and m_itemdef.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_EyeOffset()

void Client::handleCommand_EyeOffset ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References Player::eye_offset_first, Player::eye_offset_third, Player::eye_offset_third_front, ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), and m_env.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_FadeSound()

void Client::handleCommand_FadeSound ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ISoundManager::fadeSound(), m_sound, m_sounds_server_to_client, and step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_FormspecPrepend()

void Client::handleCommand_FormspecPrepend ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References Player::formspec_prepend, ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), and m_env.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_Fov()

void Client::handleCommand_Fov ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), m_camera, m_env, Camera::notifyFovChange(), and Player::setFov().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_Hello()

◆ handleCommand_HP()

void Client::handleCommand_HP ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_PLAYER_DAMAGE, ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), LocalPlayer::hp, m_client_event_queue, m_env, m_script, modsLoaded(), and ScriptApiClient::on_hp_modification().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_HudAdd()

void Client::handleCommand_HudAdd ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_HUDADD, dir(), and m_client_event_queue.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_HudChange()

◆ handleCommand_HudRemove()

void Client::handleCommand_HudRemove ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_HUDRM, and m_client_event_queue.

◆ handleCommand_HudSetFlags()

void Client::handleCommand_HudSetFlags ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), Minimap::getModeDef(), Minimap::getModeIndex(), HUD_FLAG_MINIMAP_RADAR_VISIBLE, Player::hud_flags, m_env, m_minimap, MINIMAP_TYPE_RADAR, Minimap::nextMode(), and MinimapModeDef::type.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_HudSetMoon()

◆ handleCommand_HudSetParam()

void Client::handleCommand_HudSetParam ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), LocalPlayer::hotbar_image, LocalPlayer::hotbar_selected_image, Player::hud_hotbar_itemcount, HUD_HOTBAR_ITEMCOUNT_MAX, HUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_IMAGE, HUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_ITEMCOUNT, HUD_PARAM_HOTBAR_SELECTED_IMAGE, m_env, and readS32().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_HudSetSky()

◆ handleCommand_HudSetStars()

void Client::handleCommand_HudSetStars ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_SET_STARS, StarParams::count, StarParams::day_opacity, SkyboxDefaults::getStarDefaults(), m_client_event_queue, StarParams::scale, StarParams::starcolor, and StarParams::visible.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_HudSetSun()

◆ handleCommand_Inventory()

void Client::handleCommand_Inventory ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References Inventory::deSerialize(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), NetworkPacket::getSize(), NetworkPacket::getString(), Player::inventory, m_env, m_inventory_from_server, m_inventory_from_server_age, and m_update_wielded_item.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_InventoryFormSpec()

void Client::handleCommand_InventoryFormSpec ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), Player::inventory_formspec, m_env, and NetworkPacket::readLongString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_ItemDef()

void Client::handleCommand_ItemDef ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References decompressZlib(), IWritableItemDefManager::deSerialize(), NetworkPacket::getSize(), infostream, MeshUpdateManager::isRunning(), m_itemdef, m_itemdef_received, m_mesh_update_manager, m_proto_ver, NetworkPacket::readLongString(), and sanity_check.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_LocalPlayerAnimations()

void Client::handleCommand_LocalPlayerAnimations ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), getProtoVersion(), LocalPlayer::last_animation, Player::local_animation_speed, Player::local_animations, m_env, and NO_ANIM.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_Media()

void Client::handleCommand_Media ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientMediaDownloader::conventionalTransferDone(), errorstream, NetworkPacket::getSize(), infostream, MeshUpdateManager::isRunning(), ClientMediaDownloader::isStarted(), m_media_downloader, m_mesh_update_manager, m_pending_media_downloads, NetworkPacket::readLongString(), and sanity_check.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_MediaPush()

void Client::handleCommand_MediaPush ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References clientMediaUpdateCache(), loadMedia(), m_pending_media_downloads, m_proto_ver, m_remote_media_servers, NetworkPacket::readLongString(), hashing::sha1(), string_allowed(), TEXTURENAME_ALLOWED_CHARS, and verbosestream.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_MinimapModes()

void Client::handleCommand_MinimapModes ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References Minimap::addMode(), Minimap::clearModes(), m_minimap, and Minimap::setModeIndex().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_ModChannelMsg()

void Client::handleCommand_ModChannelMsg ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ModChannelMgr::channelRegistered(), NetworkPacket::getPeerId(), m_modchannel_mgr, m_script, ScriptApiModChannels::on_modchannel_message(), and verbosestream.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_ModChannelSignal()

◆ handleCommand_Movement()

◆ handleCommand_MovePlayer()

void Client::handleCommand_MovePlayer ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_PLAYER_FORCE_MOVE, ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), infostream, m_client_event_queue, m_env, and LocalPlayer::setPosition().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_MovePlayerRel()

void Client::handleCommand_MovePlayerRel ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References LocalPlayer::addPosition(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), and m_env.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_NodeDef()

void Client::handleCommand_NodeDef ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References decompressZlib(), NodeDefManager::deSerialize(), NetworkPacket::getSize(), infostream, MeshUpdateManager::isRunning(), m_mesh_update_manager, m_nodedef, m_nodedef_received, m_proto_ver, NetworkPacket::readLongString(), and sanity_check.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_NodemetaChanged()

void Client::handleCommand_NodemetaChanged ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References NodeMetadataList::begin(), decompressZlib(), NodeMetadataList::deSerialize(), NodeMetadataList::end(), ClientEnvironment::getMap(), NetworkPacket::getSize(), Map::isValidPosition(), m_env, m_itemdef, NetworkPacket::readLongString(), and Map::setNodeMetadata().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_Null()

void Client::handleCommand_Null ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

◆ handleCommand_OverrideDayNightRatio()

void Client::handleCommand_OverrideDayNightRatio ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

◆ handleCommand_PlayerSpeed()

void Client::handleCommand_PlayerSpeed ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References LocalPlayer::addVelocity(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), and m_env.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_PlaySound()

◆ handleCommand_Privileges()

void Client::handleCommand_Privileges ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References infostream, and m_privileges.

◆ handleCommand_RemoveNode()

void Client::handleCommand_RemoveNode ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References NetworkPacket::getSize(), p(), and removeNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_SetLighting()

◆ handleCommand_ShowFormSpec()

void Client::handleCommand_ShowFormSpec ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_SHOW_FORMSPEC, m_client_event_queue, and NetworkPacket::readLongString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_SpawnParticle()

void Client::handleCommand_SpawnParticle ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References CE_SPAWN_PARTICLE, NetworkPacket::getSize(), NetworkPacket::getString(), m_client_event_queue, m_proto_ver, and p().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_SrpBytesSandB()

void Client::handleCommand_SrpBytesSandB ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD, AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP, errorstream, infostream, m_auth_data, m_chosen_auth_mech, Send(), srp_user_process_challenge(), and TOSERVER_SRP_BYTES_M.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_StopSound()

void Client::handleCommand_StopSound ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References m_sound, m_sounds_server_to_client, and ISoundManager::stopSound().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_TimeOfDay()

void Client::handleCommand_TimeOfDay ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References NetworkPacket::getSize(), infostream, m_env, m_last_time_of_day_f, m_time_of_day_set, m_time_of_day_update_timer, Environment::setTimeOfDay(), and Environment::setTimeOfDaySpeed().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand_UpdatePlayerList()

void Client::handleCommand_UpdatePlayerList ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References ClientEnvironment::addPlayerName(), m_env, PLAYER_LIST_ADD, PLAYER_LIST_INIT, PLAYER_LIST_REMOVE, and ClientEnvironment::removePlayerName().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ hasClientEvents()

bool Client::hasClientEvents ( ) const

References m_client_event_queue.

◆ hasServerReplied()

bool Client::hasServerReplied ( ) const

References getProtoVersion().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ initLocalMapSaving()

void Client::initLocalMapSaving ( const Address & address,
const std::string & hostname,
bool is_local_server )

References actionstream, Database::beginSave(), fs::CreateAllDirs(), g_settings, Settings::getBool(), infostream, fs::IsDir(), m_localdb, set_world_path, and str_replace().

Referenced by connect().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ interact()

void Client::interact ( InteractAction action,
const PointedThing & pointed )

References CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_FRONT, errorstream, Camera::getCameraMode(), ClientEnvironment::getClientMap(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), Player::getWieldIndex(), LC_Ready, m_camera, m_env, m_state, NetworkPacket::putLongString(), Send(), PointedThing::serialize(), TOSERVER_INTERACT, and writePlayerPos().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ inventoryAction()

void Client::inventoryAction ( InventoryAction * a)

Reimplemented from InventoryManager.

References InventoryAction::clientApply(), and sendInventoryAction().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isShutdown()

bool Client::isShutdown ( )

References MeshUpdateManager::isRunning(), m_mesh_update_manager, and m_shutdown.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ itemdefReceived()

bool Client::itemdefReceived ( ) const

References m_itemdef_received.

◆ joinModChannel()

bool Client::joinModChannel ( const std::string & channel)

Implements IGameDef.

References ModChannelMgr::channelRegistered(), ModChannelMgr::joinChannel(), m_modchannel_mgr, Send(), and TOSERVER_MODCHANNEL_JOIN.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ leaveModChannel()

bool Client::leaveModChannel ( const std::string & channel)

Implements IGameDef.

References ModChannelMgr::channelRegistered(), ModChannelMgr::leaveChannel(), m_modchannel_mgr, Send(), and TOSERVER_MODCHANNEL_LEAVE.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ loadMedia()

bool Client::loadMedia ( const std::string & data,
const std::string & filename,
bool from_media_push = false )

References ISoundManager::addSoundToGroup(), errorstream, FATAL_ERROR_IF, g_client_translations, RenderingEngine::get_filesystem(), RenderingEngine::get_video_driver(), IWritableTextureSource::insertSourceImage(), Translations::isTranslationFile(), ISoundManager::loadSoundData(), Translations::loadTranslation(), m_mesh_data, m_rendering_engine, m_sound, m_tsrc, removeStringEnd(), TRACESTREAM, and verbosestream.

Referenced by handleCommand_MediaPush().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadMods()

◆ makeScreenshot()

void Client::makeScreenshot ( )

References CHATMESSAGE_TYPE_SYSTEM, fs::CreateDir(), DIR_DELIM, g_settings, Settings::get(), RenderingEngine::get_video_driver(), Settings::getS32(), infostream, fs::IsPathAbsolute(), itos(), m_rendering_engine, mt_localtime(), MYMAX, MYMIN, porting::path_user, fs::PathExists(), pushToChatQueue(), SCREENSHOT_MAX_SERIAL_TRIES, and utf8_to_wide().

Referenced by GUIFormSpecMenu::OnEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mediaReceived()

bool Client::mediaReceived ( ) const

References m_media_downloader.

Referenced by afterContentReceived().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mediaReceiveProgress()

float Client::mediaReceiveProgress ( )

References ClientMediaDownloader::getProgress(), and m_media_downloader.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ migrateModStorage()

void Client::migrateModStorage ( )

References DIR_DELIM, ModStorageDatabaseFiles::getModEntries(), infostream, fs::IsDir(), ModStorageDatabaseFiles::listMods(), m_mod_storage_database, porting::path_user, fs::Rename(), and ModStorageDatabase::setModEntry().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ modsLoaded()

bool Client::modsLoaded ( ) const

References m_mods_loaded.

Referenced by LocalFormspecHandler::gotText(), handleCommand_ChatMessage(), handleCommand_HP(), GameFormSpec::showPlayerInventory(), and ClientEnvironment::step().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nodedefReceived()

bool Client::nodedefReceived ( ) const

References m_nodedef_received.

◆ peerAdded()

void Client::peerAdded ( con::IPeer * peer)

Implements con::PeerHandler.

References con::IPeer::id, and infostream.

◆ ProcessData()

void Client::ProcessData ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References PacketCounter::add(), g_profiler, NetworkPacket::getCommand(), NetworkPacket::getPeerId(), Profiler::graphAdd(), handleCommand(), infostream, m_packetcounter, m_server_ser_ver, PEER_ID_SERVER, SER_FMT_VER_INVALID, TOCLIENT_NUM_MSG_TYPES, TOCLIENT_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED, and toClientCommandTable.

Referenced by ReceiveAll().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pushToChatQueue()

void Client::pushToChatQueue ( ChatMessage * cec)

References m_chat_queue.

Referenced by handleCommand_ChatMessage(), handleCommand_DenySudoMode(), and makeScreenshot().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pushToEventQueue()

void Client::pushToEventQueue ( ClientEvent * event)

References m_client_event_queue.

◆ ReceiveAll()

void Client::ReceiveAll ( )

References NetworkPacket::clear(), FATAL_ERROR_IF, porting::getTimeMs(), infostream, m_con, ProcessData(), con::IConnection::TryReceive(), and BaseException::what().

Referenced by step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ reconnectRequested()

bool Client::reconnectRequested ( ) const

◆ removeNode()

void Client::removeNode ( v3s16 p)

References addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge(), ClientEnvironment::getMap(), m_env, p(), and Map::removeNodeAndUpdate().

Referenced by handleCommand_RemoveNode().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ request_media()

void Client::request_media ( const std::vector< std::string > & file_requests)

References FATAL_ERROR_IF, NetworkPacket::getSize(), infostream, Send(), TOSERVER_REQUEST_MEDIA, and writeU16().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scanModIntoMemory()

void Client::scanModIntoMemory ( const std::string & mod_name,
const std::string & mod_path )

References scanModSubfolder().

Referenced by loadMods().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ scanModSubfolder()

void Client::scanModSubfolder ( const std::string & mod_name,
const std::string & mod_path,
std::string mod_subpath )

References DIR_DELIM, DIR_DELIM_CHAR, fs::GetDirListing(), infostream, m_mod_vfs, fs::ReadFile(), and scanModSubfolder().

Referenced by scanModIntoMemory(), and scanModSubfolder().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Send()

void Client::Send ( NetworkPacket * pkt)

References FATAL_ERROR_IF, NetworkPacket::getCommand(), m_con, PEER_ID_SERVER, con::IConnection::Send(), and serverCommandFactoryTable.

Referenced by handleCommand_AuthAccept(), handleCommand_SrpBytesSandB(), interact(), joinModChannel(), leaveModChannel(), request_media(), sendChatMessage(), sendDamage(), sendDeletedBlocks(), sendGotBlocks(), sendHaveMedia(), sendInit(), sendInventoryAction(), sendInventoryFields(), sendModChannelMessage(), sendNodemetaFields(), sendPlayerPos(), sendReady(), sendRemovedSounds(), sendRespawnLegacy(), sendUpdateClientInfo(), setPlayerItem(), and startAuth().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendChangePassword()

void Client::sendChangePassword ( const std::string & oldpassword,
const std::string & newpassword )

References choseAuthMech(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), m_env, m_new_password, m_password, m_sudo_auth_methods, and startAuth().

Referenced by GUIPasswordChange::processInput().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendChatMessage()

void Client::sendChatMessage ( const std::wstring & message)

References canSendChatMessage(), CLIENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_LIMIT_PER_10S, g_settings, Settings::getS16(), infostream, m_chat_message_allowance, m_last_chat_message_sent, m_out_chat_queue, Send(), and TOSERVER_CHAT_MESSAGE.

Referenced by step(), and typeChatMessage().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendDamage()

void Client::sendDamage ( u16 damage)

References Send(), and TOSERVER_DAMAGE.

Referenced by step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendDeletedBlocks()

void Client::sendDeletedBlocks ( std::vector< v3s16 > & blocks)

References Send(), and TOSERVER_DELETEDBLOCKS.

Referenced by step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendGotBlocks()

void Client::sendGotBlocks ( const std::vector< v3s16 > & blocks)

References Send(), and TOSERVER_GOTBLOCKS.

Referenced by step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendHaveMedia()

void Client::sendHaveMedia ( const std::vector< u32 > & tokens)

References sanity_check, Send(), and TOSERVER_HAVE_MEDIA.

Referenced by step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendInit()

void Client::sendInit ( const std::string & playerName)


Referenced by step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendInventoryAction()

void Client::sendInventoryAction ( InventoryAction * a)

References NetworkPacket::putRawString(), Send(), InventoryAction::serialize(), and TOSERVER_INVENTORY_ACTION.

Referenced by inventoryAction().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendInventoryFields()

void Client::sendInventoryFields ( const std::string & formname,
const StringMap & fields )

References FATAL_ERROR_IF, NetworkPacket::putLongString(), Send(), and TOSERVER_INVENTORY_FIELDS.

Referenced by TextDestPlayerInventory::gotText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendModChannelMessage()

bool Client::sendModChannelMessage ( const std::string & channel,
const std::string & message )

Implements IGameDef.

References ModChannelMgr::canWriteOnChannel(), m_modchannel_mgr, Send(), STRING_MAX_LEN, TOSERVER_MODCHANNEL_MSG, and warningstream.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sendNodemetaFields()

void Client::sendNodemetaFields ( v3s16 p,
const std::string & formname,
const StringMap & fields )

References FATAL_ERROR_IF, p(), NetworkPacket::putLongString(), Send(), and TOSERVER_NODEMETA_FIELDS.

Referenced by TextDestNodeMetadata::gotText(), and TextDestNodeMetadata::gotText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendPlayerPos()

◆ sendReady()

void Client::sendReady ( )

References FORMSPEC_API_VERSION, g_version_hash, NetworkPacket::putRawString(), Send(), and TOSERVER_CLIENT_READY.

Referenced by afterContentReceived().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendRemovedSounds()

void Client::sendRemovedSounds ( const std::vector< s32 > & soundList)

References Send(), and TOSERVER_REMOVED_SOUNDS.

Referenced by handleCommand_PlaySound(), and step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendRespawnLegacy()

void Client::sendRespawnLegacy ( )

References Send(), and TOSERVER_RESPAWN_LEGACY.

Referenced by LocalFormspecHandler::gotText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sendUpdateClientInfo()

void Client::sendUpdateClientInfo ( const ClientDynamicInfo & info)

References ClientDynamicInfo::max_fs_size, ClientDynamicInfo::real_gui_scaling, ClientDynamicInfo::real_hud_scaling, ClientDynamicInfo::render_target_size, Send(), TOSERVER_UPDATE_CLIENT_INFO, and ClientDynamicInfo::touch_controls.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setCamera()

void Client::setCamera ( Camera * camera)

References m_camera.

◆ setCrack()

void Client::setCrack ( int level,
v3s16 pos )

References addUpdateMeshTaskForNode(), m_crack_level, and m_crack_pos.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setFatalError() [1/2]

void Client::setFatalError ( const LuaError & e)

References setFatalError(), and BaseException::what().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setFatalError() [2/2]

void Client::setFatalError ( const std::string & reason)

References m_access_denied, and m_access_denied_reason.

Referenced by setFatalError().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setPlayerControl()

void Client::setPlayerControl ( PlayerControl & control)

References Player::control, ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), and m_env.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setPlayerItem()

void Client::setPlayerItem ( u16 item)

References ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), m_env, m_update_wielded_item, Send(), Player::setWieldIndex(), and TOSERVER_PLAYERITEM.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ showUpdateProgressTexture()

void Client::showUpdateProgressTexture ( void * args,
u32 progress,
u32 max_progress )

References RenderingEngine::draw_load_screen(), porting::getTimeMs(), TextureUpdateArgs::guienv, TextureUpdateArgs::last_percent, TextureUpdateArgs::last_time_ms, m_rendering_engine, TextureUpdateArgs::text_base, and TextureUpdateArgs::tsrc.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sound()

ISoundManager * Client::sound ( )

References getSoundManager().

Referenced by GenericCAO::step().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ startAuth()

void Client::startAuth ( AuthMechanism chosen_auth_mechanism)

References AUTH_MECHANISM_FIRST_SRP, AUTH_MECHANISM_LEGACY_PASSWORD, AUTH_MECHANISM_NONE, AUTH_MECHANISM_SRP, FATAL_ERROR_IF, generate_srp_verifier_and_salt(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), Player::getName(), lowercase(), m_auth_data, m_chosen_auth_mech, m_env, m_password, Send(), SRP_NG_2048, SRP_OK, SRP_SHA256, srp_user_new(), srp_user_start_authentication(), TOSERVER_FIRST_SRP, TOSERVER_SRP_BYTES_A, and translate_password().

Referenced by handleCommand_AcceptSudoMode(), handleCommand_Hello(), and sendChangePassword().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ step()

void Client::step ( float dtime)

References MeshUpdateResult::ack_list, Minimap::addBlock(), ClientEnvEvent::amount, Database::beginSave(), BS, canSendChatMessage(), CE_PLAYER_DAMAGE, CEE_PLAYER_DAMAGE, MeshGrid::cell_size, PacketCounter::clear(), MapSector::createBlankBlock(), DTIME_LIMIT, Map::emergeSector(), Database::endSave(), FATAL_ERROR_IF, ISoundManager::freeId(), g_profiler, g_settings, RenderingEngine::get_shadow_renderer(), ClientEnvironment::getActiveObject(), MapSector::getBlockNoCreateNoEx(), ClientEnvironment::getClientEnvEvent(), Settings::getFloat(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), ClientEnvironment::getMap(), MapBlockMesh::getMesh(), Player::getName(), MeshUpdateManager::getNextResult(), MeshGrid::getOffsetIndex(), ClientActiveObject::getPosition(), getRTT(), Settings::getS32(), ClientActiveObject::getVelocity(), Profiler::graphAdd(), ClientEnvironment::hasClientEnvEvents(), infostream, inhibit_inventory_revert, Player::inventory, ClientMediaDownloader::isDone(), ClientMediaDownloader::isStarted(), LC_Created, LC_Ready, m_animation_time, m_avg_rtt_timer, m_cache_save_interval, m_client_event_queue, m_connection_reinit_timer, m_env, m_inventory_from_server, m_inventory_from_server_age, m_localdb, m_localdb_save_interval, m_map_timer_and_unload_interval, m_media_downloader, m_mesh_grid, m_mesh_update_manager, m_minimap, m_mod_storage_database, m_mod_storage_save_timer, m_out_chat_queue, m_packetcounter, m_packetcounter_timer, m_pending_media_downloads, m_playerpos_send_timer, m_recommended_send_interval, m_removed_sounds_check_timer, m_sound, m_sounds_client_to_server, m_sounds_server_to_client, m_sounds_to_objects, m_state, m_time_of_day_update_timer, m_update_wielded_item, MeshUpdateResult::map_blocks, MAX_TILE_LAYERS, MeshUpdateResult::mesh, MapBlockMesh::moveMinimapMapblocks(), MeshUpdateResult::p, p(), ClientEnvEvent::player_damage, ISoundManager::pollRemovedSounds(), PacketCounter::print(), ReceiveAll(), MapBlock::refDrop(), ClientEnvEvent::send_to_server, sendChatMessage(), sendDamage(), sendDeletedBlocks(), sendGotBlocks(), sendHaveMedia(), sendInit(), sendPlayerPos(), sendRemovedSounds(), MeshUpdateResult::solid_sides, ClientEnvironment::step(), ClientMediaDownloader::step(), IntervalLimiter::step(), ISoundManager::step(), PacketCounter::sum(), Map::timerUpdate(), ClientEnvEvent::type, ISoundManager::updateSoundPosVel(), and MeshUpdateResult::urgent.

Referenced by handleCommand_FadeSound().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Stop()

void Client::Stop ( )

References Database::endSave(), infostream, m_localdb, m_mesh_update_manager, m_mods_loaded, m_script, m_shutdown, ScriptApiClient::on_shutdown(), and MeshUpdateManager::stop().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tsrc()

ITextureSource * Client::tsrc ( )

References getTextureSource().

Referenced by SmokePuffCSO::SmokePuffCSO(), GenericCAO::step(), and GenericCAO::updateTextures().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ typeChatMessage()

void Client::typeChatMessage ( const std::wstring & message)

References infostream, m_mods_loaded, m_script, ScriptApiClient::on_sending_message(), sendChatMessage(), and wide_to_utf8().

Referenced by GUIChatConsole::OnEvent().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateCameraOffset()

void Client::updateCameraOffset ( v3s16 camera_offset)

◆ updateWieldedItem()

bool Client::updateWieldedItem ( )

References Inventory::getList(), ClientEnvironment::getLocalPlayer(), Player::inventory, m_env, and m_update_wielded_item.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ inhibit_inventory_revert

bool Client::inhibit_inventory_revert = false

Referenced by GUIFormSpecMenu::OnEvent(), and step().

◆ m_access_denied

bool Client::m_access_denied = false

◆ m_access_denied_reason

std::string Client::m_access_denied_reason = ""

◆ m_access_denied_reconnect

bool Client::m_access_denied_reconnect = false

◆ m_activeobjects_received

bool Client::m_activeobjects_received = false

◆ m_address_name

std::string Client::m_address_name

Referenced by connect(), and getAddressName().

◆ m_allow_login_or_register

ELoginRegister Client::m_allow_login_or_register = ELoginRegister::Any

Referenced by handleCommand_Hello().

◆ m_animation_time

float Client::m_animation_time = 0.0f

Referenced by getAnimationTime(), and step().

◆ m_auth_data

void* Client::m_auth_data = nullptr

◆ m_avg_rtt_timer

float Client::m_avg_rtt_timer = 0.0f

Referenced by step().

◆ m_cache_save_interval

u16 Client::m_cache_save_interval

Referenced by Client(), and step().

◆ m_camera

Camera* Client::m_camera = nullptr

◆ m_chat_message_allowance

float Client::m_chat_message_allowance = 5.0f

◆ m_chat_queue

std::queue<ChatMessage *> Client::m_chat_queue

Referenced by getChatMessage(), and pushToChatQueue().

◆ m_chosen_auth_mech

◆ m_client_event_queue

◆ m_con

std::unique_ptr<con::IConnection> Client::m_con

◆ m_connection_reinit_timer

float Client::m_connection_reinit_timer = 0.1f

Referenced by step().

◆ m_crack_level

int Client::m_crack_level = -1

Referenced by getCrackLevel(), and setCrack().

◆ m_crack_pos

v3s16 Client::m_crack_pos

Referenced by getCrackPos(), and setCrack().

◆ m_csm_restriction_flags

◆ m_csm_restriction_noderange

u32 Client::m_csm_restriction_noderange = 8

◆ m_detached_inventories

std::unordered_map<std::string, Inventory*> Client::m_detached_inventories

◆ m_env

◆ m_event

MtEventManager* Client::m_event

Referenced by getEventManager().

◆ m_inventory_from_server

Inventory* Client::m_inventory_from_server = nullptr

◆ m_inventory_from_server_age

float Client::m_inventory_from_server_age = 0.0f

Referenced by handleCommand_Inventory(), and step().

◆ m_itemdef

◆ m_itemdef_received

bool Client::m_itemdef_received = false

◆ m_last_chat_message_sent

u32 Client::m_last_chat_message_sent

◆ m_last_time_of_day_f

float Client::m_last_time_of_day_f = -1.0f

Referenced by handleCommand_TimeOfDay().

◆ m_localdb

MapDatabase* Client::m_localdb = nullptr

◆ m_localdb_save_interval

IntervalLimiter Client::m_localdb_save_interval

Referenced by step().

◆ m_map_seed

u64 Client::m_map_seed = 0

◆ m_map_timer_and_unload_interval

IntervalLimiter Client::m_map_timer_and_unload_interval

Referenced by step().

◆ m_media_downloader

◆ m_mesh_data

StringMap Client::m_mesh_data

Referenced by getMesh(), and loadMedia().

◆ m_mesh_grid

MeshGrid Client::m_mesh_grid

Referenced by Client(), getMeshGrid(), and step().

◆ m_mesh_update_manager

◆ m_minimap

◆ m_mod_storage_database

ModStorageDatabase* Client::m_mod_storage_database = nullptr

◆ m_mod_storage_save_timer

float Client::m_mod_storage_save_timer = 10.0f

Referenced by step().

◆ m_mod_vfs

StringMap Client::m_mod_vfs

Referenced by getModFile(), and scanModSubfolder().

◆ m_modchannel_mgr

◆ m_mods

std::vector<ModSpec> Client::m_mods

Referenced by loadMods().

◆ m_mods_loaded

bool Client::m_mods_loaded = false

◆ m_new_password

std::string Client::m_new_password

◆ m_nodedef

NodeDefManager* Client::m_nodedef

◆ m_nodedef_received

bool Client::m_nodedef_received = false

◆ m_out_chat_queue

std::queue<std::wstring> Client::m_out_chat_queue

◆ m_packetcounter

PacketCounter Client::m_packetcounter

Referenced by ProcessData(), and step().

◆ m_packetcounter_timer

float Client::m_packetcounter_timer = 0.0f

Referenced by step().

◆ m_particle_manager

std::unique_ptr<ParticleManager> Client::m_particle_manager

Referenced by getParticleManager().

◆ m_password

std::string Client::m_password

◆ m_pending_media_downloads

std::vector<std::pair<u32, std::shared_ptr<SingleMediaDownloader> > > Client::m_pending_media_downloads

◆ m_playername

std::string Client::m_playername

◆ m_playerpos_send_timer

float Client::m_playerpos_send_timer = 0.0f

Referenced by step().

◆ m_privileges

std::unordered_set<std::string> Client::m_privileges

◆ m_proto_ver

◆ m_recommended_send_interval

float Client::m_recommended_send_interval = 0.1f

Referenced by handleCommand_AuthAccept(), and step().

◆ m_remote_media_servers

std::vector<std::string> Client::m_remote_media_servers

◆ m_removed_sounds_check_timer

float Client::m_removed_sounds_check_timer = 0.0f

Referenced by step().

◆ m_rendering_engine

◆ m_script

◆ m_server_ser_ver

u8 Client::m_server_ser_ver

◆ m_shsrc

IWritableShaderSource* Client::m_shsrc

◆ m_shutdown

bool Client::m_shutdown = false

Referenced by ~Client(), isShutdown(), and Stop().

◆ m_simple_singleplayer_mode

bool Client::m_simple_singleplayer_mode

◆ m_sound

◆ m_sounds_client_to_server

std::unordered_map<sound_handle_t, s32> Client::m_sounds_client_to_server

◆ m_sounds_server_to_client

std::unordered_map<s32, sound_handle_t> Client::m_sounds_server_to_client

◆ m_sounds_to_objects

std::unordered_map<sound_handle_t, u16> Client::m_sounds_to_objects

Referenced by handleCommand_PlaySound(), and step().

◆ m_state

◆ m_sudo_auth_methods

u32 Client::m_sudo_auth_methods

◆ m_time_of_day_set

bool Client::m_time_of_day_set = false

Referenced by handleCommand_TimeOfDay().

◆ m_time_of_day_update_timer

float Client::m_time_of_day_update_timer = 0.0f

Referenced by handleCommand_TimeOfDay(), and step().

◆ m_tsrc

◆ m_update_wielded_item

bool Client::m_update_wielded_item = false

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: