Minetest 5.10.0-dev
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAutoExposureParameters for automatic exposure compensation
 CClearDepthBufferTargetResets depth buffer of the current render target
 CConfigureOverrideMaterialTargetEnables or disables override material when activated
 CDraw3DImplements a pipeline step that renders the 3D scene
 CDrawHUDImplements a pipeline step that renders the game HUD
 CEventA syncronization primitive that will wake up one waiting thread when signaled
 CGridNodeContainerAbstract class to manage the map data
 CGUIEngineImplementation of main menu based uppon formspecs
 CLambdaThreadClass returned by runInThread
 CLightingDescribes ambient light settings for a player
 CLuaRaycastLua wrapper for RaycastState objects
 CMapBlockBspTreeImplements a binary space partitioning tree See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_space_partitioning
 CMenuMusicFetcherGUIEngine specific implementation of SoundFallbackPathProvider
 CMenuTextureSourceGUIEngine specific implementation of ISimpleTextureSource
 CMeshGridDescribes a grid with given step, oirginating at (0,0,0)
 CModApiMainMenuImplementation of lua api support for mainmenu
 CModConfigurationModConfiguration is a subset of installed mods
 CNodeDefManagerThis class is for getting the actual properties of nodes from their content ID
 COffsetCameraStepOffset camera for a specific eye in stereo rendering mode
 CPackedInstrRepresents a single instruction that pushes a new value or operates with existing ones
 CPackedValueA packed value can be a primitive like a string or number but also a table including all of its contents
 CParticleManagerClass doing particle as well as their spawners handling
 CPathCostRepresentation of cost in specific direction
 CPathfinderClass doing pathfinding
 CPathfinderCompareHeuristicHelper class for the open list priority queue in the A* pathfinder to sort the pathfinder nodes by cost
 CPathGridnodeRepresentation of a mapnode to be used for pathfinding
 CPointedThingAn active object or node which is selected by a ray on the map
 CPostProcessingStepStep to apply post-processing filter to the rendered image
 CRaycastSortSorts PointedThings based on their distance
 CRaycastStateDescribes the state of a raycast
 CRemappingSourceAllows remapping texture indicies in another RenderSource
 CRenderPipelineRender Pipeline provides a flexible way to execute rendering steps in the engine
 CRenderPipelineObjectBase object that can be owned by RenderPipeline
 CRenderSourceRepresents a source of rendering information such as textures
 CRenderStepBase class for rendering steps in the pipeline
 CRenderTargetRepresents a render target (screen or framebuffer)
 CRequestQueueNotes for RequestQueue usage
 CScreenTargetImplements direct output to screen framebuffer
 CServerModManagerManages server mods
 CSetColorMaskStepSet color mask when rendering the next steps
 CSetRenderTargetStepDynamically changes render target of another step
 CSoundSpecDescribes the sound information for playback
 CSwapTexturesStepSwaps two textures in the texture buffer
 CTextDestGuiEngineGUIEngine specific implementation of TextDest used within guiFormSpecMenu
 CTextureBufferTexture buffer represents a framebuffer with a multiple attached textures
 CTextureBufferOutputTargets output to designated texture in texture buffer
 CTextureOverrideSourceClass that provides texture override information from a texture pack
 CTileLayerDefines a layer of a tile
 CTrivialRenderStepProvides default empty implementation of supporting methods in a rendering step
 CUpscaleStepUpscaleStep step performs rescaling of the image in the source texture 0 to the size of the target