Minetest  5.4.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 Minetest
3 Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
16 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 */
20 #pragma once
22 #include "basic_macros.h"
23 #include "irrlichttypes.h"
24 #include "irr_v2d.h"
25 #include "irr_v3d.h"
26 #include "irr_aabb3d.h"
27 #include "SColor.h"
28 #include <matrix4.h>
30 #define rangelim(d, min, max) ((d) < (min) ? (min) : ((d) > (max) ? (max) : (d)))
31 #define myfloor(x) ((x) < 0.0 ? (int)(x) - 1 : (int)(x))
32 // The naive swap performs better than the xor version
33 #define SWAP(t, x, y) do { \
34  t temp = x; \
35  x = y; \
36  y = temp; \
37 } while (0)
40 inline s16 getContainerPos(s16 p, s16 d)
41 {
42  return (p >= 0 ? p : p - d + 1) / d;
43 }
45 inline v2s16 getContainerPos(v2s16 p, s16 d)
46 {
47  return v2s16(
48  getContainerPos(p.X, d),
49  getContainerPos(p.Y, d)
50  );
51 }
53 inline v3s16 getContainerPos(v3s16 p, s16 d)
54 {
55  return v3s16(
56  getContainerPos(p.X, d),
57  getContainerPos(p.Y, d),
58  getContainerPos(p.Z, d)
59  );
60 }
63 {
64  return v2s16(
65  getContainerPos(p.X, d.X),
66  getContainerPos(p.Y, d.Y)
67  );
68 }
71 {
72  return v3s16(
73  getContainerPos(p.X, d.X),
74  getContainerPos(p.Y, d.Y),
75  getContainerPos(p.Z, d.Z)
76  );
77 }
79 inline void getContainerPosWithOffset(s16 p, s16 d, s16 &container, s16 &offset)
80 {
81  container = (p >= 0 ? p : p - d + 1) / d;
82  offset = p & (d - 1);
83 }
85 inline void getContainerPosWithOffset(const v2s16 &p, s16 d, v2s16 &container, v2s16 &offset)
86 {
87  getContainerPosWithOffset(p.X, d, container.X, offset.X);
88  getContainerPosWithOffset(p.Y, d, container.Y, offset.Y);
89 }
91 inline void getContainerPosWithOffset(const v3s16 &p, s16 d, v3s16 &container, v3s16 &offset)
92 {
93  getContainerPosWithOffset(p.X, d, container.X, offset.X);
94  getContainerPosWithOffset(p.Y, d, container.Y, offset.Y);
95  getContainerPosWithOffset(p.Z, d, container.Z, offset.Z);
96 }
99 inline bool isInArea(v3s16 p, s16 d)
100 {
101  return (
102  p.X >= 0 && p.X < d &&
103  p.Y >= 0 && p.Y < d &&
104  p.Z >= 0 && p.Z < d
105  );
106 }
108 inline bool isInArea(v2s16 p, s16 d)
109 {
110  return (
111  p.X >= 0 && p.X < d &&
112  p.Y >= 0 && p.Y < d
113  );
114 }
116 inline bool isInArea(v3s16 p, v3s16 d)
117 {
118  return (
119  p.X >= 0 && p.X < d.X &&
120  p.Y >= 0 && p.Y < d.Y &&
121  p.Z >= 0 && p.Z < d.Z
122  );
123 }
125 inline void sortBoxVerticies(v3s16 &p1, v3s16 &p2) {
126  if (p1.X > p2.X)
127  SWAP(s16, p1.X, p2.X);
128  if (p1.Y > p2.Y)
129  SWAP(s16, p1.Y, p2.Y);
130  if (p1.Z > p2.Z)
131  SWAP(s16, p1.Z, p2.Z);
132 }
134 inline v3s16 componentwise_min(const v3s16 &a, const v3s16 &b)
135 {
136  return v3s16(MYMIN(a.X, b.X), MYMIN(a.Y, b.Y), MYMIN(a.Z, b.Z));
137 }
139 inline v3s16 componentwise_max(const v3s16 &a, const v3s16 &b)
140 {
141  return v3s16(MYMAX(a.X, b.X), MYMAX(a.Y, b.Y), MYMAX(a.Z, b.Z));
142 }
156 inline float modulo360f(float f)
157 {
158  int sign;
159  int whole;
160  float fraction;
162  if (f < 0) {
163  f = -f;
164  sign = -1;
165  } else {
166  sign = 1;
167  }
169  whole = f;
171  fraction = f - whole;
172  whole %= 360;
174  return sign * (whole + fraction);
175 }
180 inline float wrapDegrees_0_360(float f)
181 {
182  float value = modulo360f(f);
183  return value < 0 ? value + 360 : value;
184 }
190 {
191  v3f value_v3f;
192  value_v3f.X = modulo360f(v.X);
193  value_v3f.Y = modulo360f(v.Y);
194  value_v3f.Z = modulo360f(v.Z);
196  // Now that values are wrapped, use to get values for certain ranges
197  value_v3f.X = value_v3f.X < 0 ? value_v3f.X + 360 : value_v3f.X;
198  value_v3f.Y = value_v3f.Y < 0 ? value_v3f.Y + 360 : value_v3f.Y;
199  value_v3f.Z = value_v3f.Z < 0 ? value_v3f.Z + 360 : value_v3f.Z;
200  return value_v3f;
201 }
206 inline float wrapDegrees_180(float f)
207 {
208  float value = modulo360f(f + 180);
209  if (value < 0)
210  value += 360;
211  return value - 180;
212 }
214 /*
215  Pseudo-random (VC++ rand() sucks)
216 */
217 #define MYRAND_RANGE 0xffffffff
218 u32 myrand();
219 void mysrand(unsigned int seed);
220 void myrand_bytes(void *out, size_t len);
221 int myrand_range(int min, int max);
223 /*
224  Miscellaneous functions
225 */
227 inline u32 get_bits(u32 x, u32 pos, u32 len)
228 {
229  u32 mask = (1 << len) - 1;
230  return (x >> pos) & mask;
231 }
233 inline void set_bits(u32 *x, u32 pos, u32 len, u32 val)
234 {
235  u32 mask = (1 << len) - 1;
236  *x &= ~(mask << pos);
237  *x |= (val & mask) << pos;
238 }
240 inline u32 calc_parity(u32 v)
241 {
242  v ^= v >> 16;
243  v ^= v >> 8;
244  v ^= v >> 4;
245  v &= 0xf;
246  return (0x6996 >> v) & 1;
247 }
249 u64 murmur_hash_64_ua(const void *key, int len, unsigned int seed);
251 bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir,
252  f32 camera_fov, f32 range, f32 *distance_ptr=NULL);
254 s16 adjustDist(s16 dist, float zoom_fov);
256 /*
257  Returns nearest 32-bit integer for given floating point number.
258  <cmath> and <math.h> in VC++ don't provide round().
259 */
260 inline s32 myround(f32 f)
261 {
262  return (s32)(f < 0.f ? (f - 0.5f) : (f + 0.5f));
263 }
265 inline constexpr f32 sqr(f32 f)
266 {
267  return f * f;
268 }
270 /*
271  Returns integer position of node in given floating point position
272 */
273 inline v3s16 floatToInt(v3f p, f32 d)
274 {
275  return v3s16(
276  (p.X + (p.X > 0 ? d / 2 : -d / 2)) / d,
277  (p.Y + (p.Y > 0 ? d / 2 : -d / 2)) / d,
278  (p.Z + (p.Z > 0 ? d / 2 : -d / 2)) / d);
279 }
281 /*
282  Returns integer position of node in given double precision position
283  */
284 inline v3s16 doubleToInt(v3d p, double d)
285 {
286  return v3s16(
287  (p.X + (p.X > 0 ? d / 2 : -d / 2)) / d,
288  (p.Y + (p.Y > 0 ? d / 2 : -d / 2)) / d,
289  (p.Z + (p.Z > 0 ? d / 2 : -d / 2)) / d);
290 }
292 /*
293  Returns floating point position of node in given integer position
294 */
295 inline v3f intToFloat(v3s16 p, f32 d)
296 {
297  return v3f(
298  (f32)p.X * d,
299  (f32)p.Y * d,
300  (f32)p.Z * d
301  );
302 }
304 // Random helper. Usually d=BS
305 inline aabb3f getNodeBox(v3s16 p, float d)
306 {
307  return aabb3f(
308  (float)p.X * d - 0.5f * d,
309  (float)p.Y * d - 0.5f * d,
310  (float)p.Z * d - 0.5f * d,
311  (float)p.X * d + 0.5f * d,
312  (float)p.Y * d + 0.5f * d,
313  (float)p.Z * d + 0.5f * d
314  );
315 }
319 {
320 public:
321  IntervalLimiter() = default;
323  /*
324  dtime: time from last call to this method
325  wanted_interval: interval wanted
326  return value:
327  true: action should be skipped
328  false: action should be done
329  */
330  bool step(float dtime, float wanted_interval)
331  {
332  m_accumulator += dtime;
333  if (m_accumulator < wanted_interval)
334  return false;
335  m_accumulator -= wanted_interval;
336  return true;
337  }
339 private:
340  float m_accumulator = 0.0f;
341 };
344 /*
345  Splits a list into "pages". For example, the list [1,2,3,4,5] split
346  into two pages would be [1,2,3],[4,5]. This function computes the
347  minimum and maximum indices of a single page.
349  length: Length of the list that should be split
350  page: Page number, 1 <= page <= pagecount
351  pagecount: The number of pages, >= 1
352  minindex: Receives the minimum index (inclusive).
353  maxindex: Receives the maximum index (exclusive).
355  Ensures 0 <= minindex <= maxindex <= length.
356 */
357 inline void paging(u32 length, u32 page, u32 pagecount, u32 &minindex, u32 &maxindex)
358 {
359  if (length < 1 || pagecount < 1 || page < 1 || page > pagecount) {
360  // Special cases or invalid parameters
361  minindex = maxindex = 0;
362  } else if(pagecount <= length) {
363  // Less pages than entries in the list:
364  // Each page contains at least one entry
365  minindex = (length * (page-1) + (pagecount-1)) / pagecount;
366  maxindex = (length * page + (pagecount-1)) / pagecount;
367  } else {
368  // More pages than entries in the list:
369  // Make sure the empty pages are at the end
370  if (page < length) {
371  minindex = page-1;
372  maxindex = page;
373  } else {
374  minindex = 0;
375  maxindex = 0;
376  }
377  }
378 }
380 inline float cycle_shift(float value, float by = 0, float max = 1)
381 {
382  if (value + by < 0) return value + by + max;
383  if (value + by > max) return value + by - max;
384  return value + by;
385 }
387 inline bool is_power_of_two(u32 n)
388 {
389  return n != 0 && (n & (n - 1)) == 0;
390 }
392 // Compute next-higher power of 2 efficiently, e.g. for power-of-2 texture sizes.
393 // Public Domain: https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#RoundUpPowerOf2
394 inline u32 npot2(u32 orig) {
395  orig--;
396  orig |= orig >> 1;
397  orig |= orig >> 2;
398  orig |= orig >> 4;
399  orig |= orig >> 8;
400  orig |= orig >> 16;
401  return orig + 1;
402 }
404 // Gradual steps towards the target value in a wrapped (circular) system
405 // using the shorter of both ways
406 template<typename T>
407 inline void wrappedApproachShortest(T &current, const T target, const T stepsize,
408  const T maximum)
409 {
410  T delta = target - current;
411  if (delta < 0)
412  delta += maximum;
414  if (delta > stepsize && maximum - delta > stepsize) {
415  current += (delta < maximum / 2) ? stepsize : -stepsize;
416  if (current >= maximum)
417  current -= maximum;
418  } else {
419  current = target;
420  }
421 }
423 void setPitchYawRollRad(core::matrix4 &m, const v3f &rot);
425 inline void setPitchYawRoll(core::matrix4 &m, const v3f &rot)
426 {
427  setPitchYawRollRad(m, rot * core::DEGTORAD64);
428 }
430 v3f getPitchYawRollRad(const core::matrix4 &m);
432 inline v3f getPitchYawRoll(const core::matrix4 &m)
433 {
434  return getPitchYawRollRad(m) * core::RADTODEG64;
435 }
437 // Muliply the RGB value of a color linearly, and clamp to black/white
438 inline irr::video::SColor multiplyColorValue(const irr::video::SColor &color, float mod)
439 {
440  return irr::video::SColor(color.getAlpha(),
441  core::clamp<u32>(color.getRed() * mod, 0, 255),
442  core::clamp<u32>(color.getGreen() * mod, 0, 255),
443  core::clamp<u32>(color.getBlue() * mod, 0, 255));
444 }
#define MYMIN(a, b)
Definition: basic_macros.h:24
#define MYMAX(a, b)
Definition: basic_macros.h:26
Definition: numeric.h:319
float m_accumulator
Definition: numeric.h:340
bool step(float dtime, float wanted_interval)
Definition: numeric.h:330
core::aabbox3d< f32 > aabb3f
Definition: irr_aabb3d.h:26
core::vector2d< s16 > v2s16
Definition: irr_v2d.h:27
core::vector3d< double > v3d
Definition: irr_v3d.h:27
core::vector3d< s16 > v3s16
Definition: irr_v3d.h:28
core::vector3df v3f
Definition: irr_v3d.h:26
s16 getContainerPos(s16 p, s16 d)
Definition: numeric.h:40
v3s16 componentwise_max(const v3s16 &a, const v3s16 &b)
Definition: numeric.h:139
v3f getPitchYawRollRad(const core::matrix4 &m)
Definition: numeric.cpp:199
v3s16 componentwise_min(const v3s16 &a, const v3s16 &b)
Definition: numeric.h:134
bool isInArea(v3s16 p, s16 d)
Definition: numeric.h:99
void setPitchYawRollRad(core::matrix4 &m, const v3f &rot)
Definition: numeric.cpp:178
void wrappedApproachShortest(T &current, const T target, const T stepsize, const T maximum)
Definition: numeric.h:407
v3s16 floatToInt(v3f p, f32 d)
Definition: numeric.h:273
u64 murmur_hash_64_ua(const void *key, int len, unsigned int seed)
Definition: numeric.cpp:58
float wrapDegrees_0_360(float f)
Returns f wrapped to the range [0, 360].
Definition: numeric.h:180
u32 npot2(u32 orig)
Definition: numeric.h:394
v3f getPitchYawRoll(const core::matrix4 &m)
Definition: numeric.h:432
constexpr f32 sqr(f32 f)
Definition: numeric.h:265
v3f wrapDegrees_0_360_v3f(v3f v)
Returns v3f wrapped to the range [0, 360].
Definition: numeric.h:189
s16 adjustDist(s16 dist, float zoom_fov)
Definition: numeric.cpp:166
void set_bits(u32 *x, u32 pos, u32 len, u32 val)
Definition: numeric.h:233
irr::video::SColor multiplyColorValue(const irr::video::SColor &color, float mod)
Definition: numeric.h:438
u32 myrand()
Definition: numeric.cpp:34
v3f intToFloat(v3s16 p, f32 d)
Definition: numeric.h:295
u32 get_bits(u32 x, u32 pos, u32 len)
Definition: numeric.h:227
float cycle_shift(float value, float by=0, float max=1)
Definition: numeric.h:380
bool is_power_of_two(u32 n)
Definition: numeric.h:387
bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir, f32 camera_fov, f32 range, f32 *distance_ptr=NULL)
Definition: numeric.cpp:106
float modulo360f(float f)
Returns f wrapped to the range [-360, 360].
Definition: numeric.h:156
v3s16 doubleToInt(v3d p, double d)
Definition: numeric.h:284
float wrapDegrees_180(float f)
Returns f wrapped to the range [-180, 180].
Definition: numeric.h:206
aabb3f getNodeBox(v3s16 p, float d)
Definition: numeric.h:305
void paging(u32 length, u32 page, u32 pagecount, u32 &minindex, u32 &maxindex)
Definition: numeric.h:357
void sortBoxVerticies(v3s16 &p1, v3s16 &p2)
Definition: numeric.h:125
void getContainerPosWithOffset(s16 p, s16 d, s16 &container, s16 &offset)
Definition: numeric.h:79
#define SWAP(t, x, y)
Definition: numeric.h:33
void mysrand(unsigned int seed)
Definition: numeric.cpp:39
void setPitchYawRoll(core::matrix4 &m, const v3f &rot)
Definition: numeric.h:425
s32 myround(f32 f)
Definition: numeric.h:260
int myrand_range(int min, int max)
Definition: numeric.cpp:49
u32 calc_parity(u32 v)
Definition: numeric.h:240
void myrand_bytes(void *out, size_t len)
Definition: numeric.cpp:44
static std::random_device seed
Definition: serverenvironment.cpp:392
std::string p(std::string path)
Definition: test_filepath.cpp:59